Great Lakes PFAS Summit

Merit Laboratories Participating in the Great Lakes PFAS Summit

Merit Laboratories Participating in the Great Lakes PFAS Summit

Merit Laboratories will be participating in the first-ever Great Lakes PFAS Summit. The virtual conference and networking are scheduled for October 26-30. Merit Laboratories will be participating in both the digital exhibition networking platform and attending the technical seminars.

Great Lakes PFAS Summit Goes Virtual; Now Set for October 26 - 30

Great Lakes PFAS Summit Goes Virtual; Now Set for October 26 - 30

The first-ever Great Lakes PFAS Summit has gone virtual. The event will bring together scientists, government officials, regulators, academic researchers, industry, and community organizations on all topics PFAS. The virtual summit is now scheduled for a five-day event, set for October 26th - 30th, 2020.

Great Lakes PFAS Summit Set for October 2020

 Great Lakes PFAS Summit Set for October 2020

The first-ever Great Lakes PFAS Summit will bring together scientists, government officials, regulators, academic researchers, industry, and community organizations on all topics PFAS. The summit is set for October 27-28, 2020 in Lansing, Michigan, will be hosted by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The summit will provide participants with current and reliable PFAS science and policy, explore PFAS research topics, facilitate networking, and share information on the latest research and technology.   EGLE is developing the agenda for this two-day conference.  Topic areas for the Great Lakes PFAS Summit include