Merit Laboratories Participating in the Great Lakes PFAS Summit

Merit Laboratories will be participating in the first-ever Great Lakes PFAS Summit.  The virtual conference and networking are scheduled for October 26-30. Merit Laboratories will be participating in both the digital exhibition networking platform and attending the technical seminars. 

As an exhibitor at the Great Lakes PFAS Summit, Merit Laboratories will be sharing information with attendees about its PFAS testing program, including the latest PFAS testing capabilities and compound lists. Merit’s digital exhibit will be hosted by its team of PFAS technical chemists, including CEO Maya Murshak, providing conference attendees with direct access to technical experts throughout the conference. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss analytical testing options and receive guidance on selecting the most appropriate methods and PFAS test lists based upon their project data quality objectives. Attendee Registration for the Great Lakes PFAS event is open until October 22. 

The conference will bring together scientists, government officials, regulators, academic researchers, industry, and community organizations on all topics PFAS. The Great Lakes PFAS Summit will be hosted by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The summit will provide participants with current and reliable PFAS science and policy, explore PFAS research topics, facilitate networking, and sharing information on the latest research and technology. Topic areas for the conference include treatment technology and research, pollution prevention, sampling and analytical, public health and communication, PFAS in agriculture and natural resources, and materials management.

Merit Laboratories is a leading national PFAS environmental laboratory, analyzing drinking water, soil, wastewater, groundwater, and other sample matrices, including biosolids and sludge. Analytical methods performed by Merit for PFAS include drinking water by EPA 533, EPA 537.1, and EPA 537 rev. 1.1 and soil, wastewater, groundwater, and surface water by ASTM D7979-19 with Isotopic Dilution and ASTM D7968-17.