EPA Releases 2nd Draft of EPA Method 1633 for PFAS

EPA Releases 2nd Draft of EPA Method 1633 for PFAS

The U.S. EPA (EPA) has released the highly anticipated 2nd Draft of EPA Method 1633, an LC/MS/MS method to analyze PFAS. This second draft, released by the EPA in June, is a follow-up to the original draft released in Fall 2021. One of the most concerning aspects of the first draft was it being based on a single laboratory validation study

EPA Announces Two Important Steps to Address PFAS Contamination

EPA Announces Two Important Steps to Address PFAS Contamination

In what surely will impact environmental regulatory programs across the United States, the EPA is actively prioritizing PFAS in the environment and has taken two recent actions to continue to address contamination. The EPA has issued a memo detailing an interim National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) permitting strategy for PFAS.