MDEQ Releases Minimum PFAS Analyte List for Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) Initiative. Spoiler Alert: Merit Labs analyzes for all of them.

MDEQ Releases Minimum PFAS Analyte List for Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) Initiative. Spoiler Alert: Merit Labs analyzes for all of them.

The MDEQ recently released the list of PFAS compounds that should be analyzed as part of the Industrial Pretreatment Program.  The list, considered a minimum list of PFAS compounds, was created by the MDEQ based upon the potential for these analytes to be present in Michigan, the availability of the chemical standards for laboratory testing, and ability of laboratories to perform the testing.

Merit Laboratories performs testing for all of the PFAS compounds listed in the MDEQ IPP PFAS directive.  The list of IPP PFAS compounds includes:

Merit Laboratories is Michigan’s PFAS Laboratory

Merit Laboratories is Michigan’s PFAS Laboratory

Merit Laboratories is Michigan’s environmental laboratory for PFAS analytical testing.  Merit offers two analytical options for PFAS: EPA 537 and ASTM D7979. Merit Laboratories performs EPA 537 in drinking water for the list of 14 PFAS substances that are EPA-approved by the method. EPA 537 is a prescriptive Drinking Water Method for 14 PFCs.  We also perform ASTM D7979, which is a method for non-drinking water matrices. Merit Laboratories can analyze for the MDEQ PFAS requested list of 24 PFAS substances using ASTM D7979.

Just the Facts! PFAS Fact Sheets Published by ITRC

Just the Facts!   PFAS Fact Sheets Published by ITRC

The Interstate Regulatory Technology Council (ITRC) just published three new fact sheets on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) along with one updated fact sheet.  The four fact sheets address important topics related to PFAS remediation technologies, sample collection, laboratory methods, environmental fate and transport, and more. These four PFAS updates from ITRC are the most current guidance available and will provide environmental professionals with detailed information on PFAS

Michigan’s PFAS Industrial Pretreatment Program Initiative on the Fast Track

Michigan’s PFAS Industrial Pretreatment Program Initiative on the Fast Track

The presence of PFAS at sites throughout Michigan have prompted the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to require Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) with an Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) to address this emerging contaminant.  In a letter to WWTPs dated February 20, 2018, the MDEQ is requiring several actions be taken to ensure that all IPPs are prohibiting discharges of PFOS and PFOA.  By June 20, 2018, the MDEQ is requiring WWTPs with an IPP to complete the following: